#!/bin/bash set -exu cd "$(dirname "$0")" # https://www.sovereign-stack.org/install/ # this script is not meant to be executed from the SSME; Let's let's check and abort if so. if [ "$(hostname)" = ss-mgmt ]; then echo "ERROR: This command is meant to be executed from the bare metal management machine -- not the SSME." exit 1 fi # ensure the iptables forward policy is set to ACCEPT so your host can act as a router # Note this is necessary if docker is running (or has been previuosly installed) on the # same host running incus. #sudo iptables -F FORWARD #sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT # run the incus install script. sudo bash -c ./install_incus.sh # run incus init cat <> "$SSH_PATH/authorized_keys" FROM_BUILT_IMAGE=false if ! incus list --format csv | grep -q ss-mgmt; then # TODO check to see if there's an existing ss-mgmt image to spawn from, otherwise do this. if incus image list | grep -q ss-mgmt; then FROM_BUILT_IMAGE=true incus init ss-mgmt ss-mgmt --vm -c limits.cpu=4 -c limits.memory=4GiB --profile=default else incus init "images:$BASE_INCUS_IMAGE" ss-mgmt --vm -c limits.cpu=4 -c limits.memory=4GiB --profile=default fi fi # mount the pre-verified sovereign stack git repo into the new vm if ! incus config device show ss-mgmt | grep -q ss-code; then incus config device add ss-mgmt ss-code disk source="$(pwd)" path=/home/ubuntu/sovereign-stack fi # create the ~/ss path and mount it into the vm. source ./deployment/deployment_defaults.sh source ./deployment/base.sh mkdir -p "$SS_ROOT_PATH" if ! incus config device show ss-mgmt | grep -q ss-root; then incus config device add ss-mgmt ss-root disk source="$SS_ROOT_PATH" path=/home/ubuntu/ss fi # if a ~/.bitcoin/testnet3/blocks direrectory exists, mount it in. BITCOIN_DIR="$HOME/.bitcoin" REMOTE_BITCOIN_CACHE_PATH="/home/ubuntu/ss/cache/bitcoin" BITCOIN_TESTNET_BLOCKS_PATH="$BITCOIN_DIR/testnet3/blocks" if [ -d "$BITCOIN_TESTNET_BLOCKS_PATH" ]; then if ! incus config device show ss-mgmt | grep -q ss-testnet-blocks; then incus config device add ss-mgmt ss-testnet-blocks disk source="$BITCOIN_TESTNET_BLOCKS_PATH" path=$REMOTE_BITCOIN_CACHE_PATH/testnet/blocks fi fi # if a ~/.bitcoin/testnet3/blocks direrectory exists, mount it in. BITCOIN_TESTNET_CHAINSTATE_PATH="$BITCOIN_DIR/testnet3/chainstate" if [ -d "$BITCOIN_TESTNET_CHAINSTATE_PATH" ]; then if ! incus config device show ss-mgmt | grep -q ss-testnet-chainstate; then incus config device add ss-mgmt ss-testnet-chainstate disk source="$BITCOIN_TESTNET_CHAINSTATE_PATH" path="$REMOTE_BITCOIN_CACHE_PATH/testnet/chainstate" fi fi # if a ~/.bitcoin/blocks dir exists, mount it in. BITCOIN_MAINNET_BLOCKS_PATH="$BITCOIN_DIR/blocks" if [ -d "$BITCOIN_MAINNET_BLOCKS_PATH" ]; then if ! incus config device show ss-mgmt | grep -q ss-mainnet-blocks; then incus config device add ss-mgmt ss-mainnet-blocks disk source="$BITCOIN_MAINNET_BLOCKS_PATH" path="$REMOTE_BITCOIN_CACHE_PATH/mainnet/blocks" fi fi # if a ~/.bitcoin/testnet3/blocks direrectory exists, mount it in. BITCOIN_MAINNET_CHAINSTATE_PATH="$BITCOIN_DIR/chainstate" if [ -d "$BITCOIN_MAINNET_CHAINSTATE_PATH" ]; then if ! incus config device show ss-mgmt | grep -q ss-mainnet-blocks; then incus config device add ss-mgmt ss-mainnet-chainstate disk source="$BITCOIN_MAINNET_CHAINSTATE_PATH" path="$REMOTE_BITCOIN_CACHE_PATH/mainnet/chainstate" fi fi # mount the ssh directory in there. if [ -f "$SSH_PUBKEY_PATH" ]; then if ! incus config device show ss-mgmt | grep -q ss-ssh; then incus config device add ss-mgmt ss-ssh disk source="$HOME/.ssh" path=/home/ubuntu/.ssh fi fi # start the vm if it's not already running if incus list --format csv | grep -q "ss-mgmt,STOPPED"; then incus start ss-mgmt sleep 10 fi # wait for the vm to have an IP address . ./management/wait_for_ip.sh # do some other preparations for user experience incus file push ./management/bash_aliases ss-mgmt/home/ubuntu/.bash_aliases incus file push ./management/bash_profile ss-mgmt/home/ubuntu/.bash_profile incus file push ./management/bashrc ss-mgmt/home/ubuntu/.bashrc incus file push ./management/motd ss-mgmt/etc/update-motd.d/sovereign-stack # install SSH incus exec ss-mgmt apt-get update incus exec ss-mgmt -- apt-get install -y openssh-server incus file push ./management/sshd_config ss-mgmt/etc/ssh/sshd_config incus exec ss-mgmt -- sudo systemctl restart sshd # add 'ss-manage' to the bare metal ~/.bashrc ADDED_COMMAND=false if ! < "$HOME/.bashrc" grep -q "ss-manage"; then echo "alias ss-manage='$(pwd)/manage.sh \$@'" >> "$HOME/.bashrc" ADDED_COMMAND=true fi # Let's remove any entry in our known_hosts, then add it back. # we are using IP address here so we don't have to rely on external DNS # configuration for the base image preparataion. ssh-keygen -R "$IP_V4_ADDRESS" ssh-keyscan -H "$IP_V4_ADDRESS" >> "$SSH_HOME/known_hosts" ssh "ubuntu@$IP_V4_ADDRESS" sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /home/ubuntu if [ "$FROM_BUILT_IMAGE" = false ]; then ssh "ubuntu@$IP_V4_ADDRESS" /home/ubuntu/sovereign-stack/management/provision.sh incus stop ss-mgmt if ! incus image list | grep -q "ss-mgmt"; then echo "Publishing image. Please wait, this may take a while..." incus publish ss-mgmt --alias=ss-mgmt fi incus start ss-mgmt fi if [ "$ADDED_COMMAND" = true ]; then echo "NOTICE! You need to run 'source ~/.bashrc' before continuing. After that, type 'ss-manage' to enter your management environment." fi