#!/bin/bash set -eux DDNS_STRING= # for the www stack, we register only the domain name so our URLs look like https://$DOMAIN_NAME if [ "$APP_TO_DEPLOY" = www ] || [ "$APP_TO_DEPLOY" = certonly ]; then DDNS_STRING="@" else DDNS_STRING="$DDNS_HOST" fi # wait for DNS to get setup. Pass in the IP address of the actual VPS. MACHINE_IP="$(docker-machine ip "$FQDN")" if [ "$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" = aws ]; then # wire DNS entries using namecheap DDNS API (via HTTPS rather than ddclient) curl "https://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/update?host=$DDNS_STRING&domain=$DOMAIN_NAME&password=$DDNS_PASSWORD&ip=$MACHINE_IP" #install dependencies. docker-machine ssh "$FQDN" sudo apt-get -qq install -y wait-for-it git rsync duplicity sshfs fi DDNS_SLEEP_SECONDS=60 while true; do # we test the www CNAME here so we can be assured the underlying has corrected. if [[ "$(getent hosts "$FQDN" | awk '{ print $1 }')" == "$MACHINE_IP" ]]; then echo "" echo "SUCCESS: The DNS appears to be configured correctly." echo "INFO: Waiting $DDNS_SLEEP_SECONDS seconds to allow stale DNS records to expire." sleep "$DDNS_SLEEP_SECONDS"; break; fi printf "." && sleep 2; done