#!/bin/bash # https://www.sovereign-stack.org/ss-down/ set -eu cd "$(dirname "$0")" if lxc remote get-default -q | grep -q "local"; then echo "ERROR: you are on the local lxc remote. Nothing to take down" exit 1 fi SERVER_TO_STOP= OTHER_SITES_LIST= # grab any modifications from the command line. for i in "$@"; do case $i in --server=*) SERVER_TO_STOP="${i#*=}" shift ;; *) echo "Unexpected option: $1" exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -z "$SERVER_TO_STOP" ]; then echo "ERROR: you MUST specify a server to stop with '--server=www' for example." exit 1 fi . ./deployment_defaults.sh . ./remote_env.sh . ./project_env.sh # let's bring down services on the remote deployment if necessary. export DOMAIN_NAME="$PRIMARY_DOMAIN" export SITE_PATH="$SITES_PATH/$PRIMARY_DOMAIN" source "$SITE_PATH/site.conf" source ./project/domain_env.sh source ./domain_list.sh if [ "$SERVER_TO_STOP" = www ]; then DOCKER_HOST="ssh://ubuntu@$PRIMARY_WWW_FQDN" ./project/www/stop_docker_stacks.sh fi if [ "$SERVER_TO_STOP" = btcpayserver ]; then if wait-for-it -t 5 "$BTCPAY_SERVER_FQDN":22; then ssh "$BTCPAY_SERVER_FQDN" "bash -c $BTCPAY_SERVER_APPPATH/btcpay-down.sh" else echo "ERROR: the remote BTCPAY Server is not available on ssh." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$SERVER_TO_STOP" = clamsserver ]; then DOCKER_HOST="ssh://ubuntu@$CLAMS_SERVER_FQDN" ./project/clams-server/down.sh fi