#!/bin/bash set -e LXC_INSTANCE_NAME= # grab any modifications from the command line. for i in "$@"; do case $i in --lxd-name=*) LXC_INSTANCE_NAME="${i#*=}" shift ;; *) echo "Unexpected option: $1" exit 1 ;; esac done # if the invoker did not set the instance name, throw an error. if [ -z "$LXC_INSTANCE_NAME" ]; then echo "ERROR: The lxc instance name was not specified. Use '--lxc-name' when calling wait_for_lxc_ip.sh." exit 1 fi if ! lxc list --format csv | grep -q "$LXC_INSTANCE_NAME"; then echo "ERROR: the lxc instance '$LXC_INSTANCE_NAME' does not exist." exit 1 fi IP_V4_ADDRESS= while true; do IP_V4_ADDRESS="$(lxc list "$LXC_INSTANCE_NAME" --format csv --columns=4 | grep enp5s0 | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}')" || true export IP_V4_ADDRESS="$IP_V4_ADDRESS" if [ -n "$IP_V4_ADDRESS" ]; then # give the machine extra time to spin up. wait-for-it -t 300 "$IP_V4_ADDRESS:22" break else sleep 1 printf '.' fi done