#!/bin/bash set -exuo nounset cd "$(dirname "$0")" TOR_CONFIG_PATH= ssh "$FQDN" mkdir -p "$REMOTE_HOME/ghost_site" "$REMOTE_HOME/ghost_db" if [ "$DEPLOY_NEXTCLOUD" = true ]; then ssh "$FQDN" mkdir -p "$REMOTE_NEXTCLOUD_PATH/db/data" \ ssh "$FQDN" mkdir -p "$REMOTE_NEXTCLOUD_PATH/db/logs" \ ssh "$FQDN" mkdir -p "$REMOTE_NEXTCLOUD_PATH/html" fi if [ "$DEPLOY_GITEA" = true ]; then ssh "$FQDN" mkdir -p "$REMOTE_GITEA_PATH/data" "$REMOTE_GITEA_PATH/db" fi # enable docker swarm mode so we can support docker stacks. if ! docker info | grep -q "Swarm: active"; then docker swarm init fi # stop services. if docker stack list --format "{{.Name}}" | grep -q webstack; then docker stack rm webstack sleep 20 fi # this will generate letsencrypt certs and pull them down locally. if [ "$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" != lxd ]; then # really we should change this if clause to some thing like # "if the perimeter firewall allows port 80/443, then go ahead." if [ "$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" = aws ] && [ "$RUN_CERT_RENEWAL" = true ]; then ./generate_certs.sh fi else # restore the certs. If they don't exist in a backup we restore from SITE_PATH if [ -f "$SITE_PATH/certs.tar.gz" ]; then scp "$SITE_PATH/certs.tar.gz" "ubuntu@$FQDN:$REMOTE_HOME/certs.tar.gz" ssh "$FQDN" sudo tar -xvf "$REMOTE_HOME/certs.tar.gz" -C /etc else echo "ERROR: Certificates do not exist locally. You need to obtain some, perhaps by running with '--app=certonly'." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$RUN_BACKUP" = true ]; then ./backup_www.sh fi if [ "$RUN_RESTORE" = true ]; then ./restore_www.sh fi NEW_MATRIX_DEPLOYMENT=false if [ "$DEPLOY_MATRIX" = true ]; then if ! ssh "$FQDN" "[ -d $REMOTE_HOME/matrix ]"; then NEW_MATRIX_DEPLOYMENT=true ssh "$FQDN" "mkdir $REMOTE_HOME/matrix && mkdir $REMOTE_HOME/matrix/db && mkdir $REMOTE_HOME/matrix/data" docker run -it --rm -v "$REMOTE_HOME/matrix/data":/data \ -e SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME="${DOMAIN_NAME}" \ -e SYNAPSE_REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET="${MATRIX_SHARED_SECRET}" \ -e SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS=yes \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="${MATRIX_DB_PASSWORD}" \ -e SYNAPSE_NO_TLS=1 \ -e SYNAPSE_ENABLE_REGISTRATION=yes \ -e SYNAPSE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO \ -e POSTGRES_DB=synapse \ -e POSTGRES_HOST=matrix-db \ -e POSTGRES_USER=synapse \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="${MATRIX_DB_PASSWORD}" \ "$MATRIX_IMAGE" generate fi fi if [ "$DEPLOY_ONION_SITE" = true ]; then # ensure the tor image is built docker build -t tor:latest ./tor # if the tor folder doesn't exist, we provision a new one. Otherwise you need to restore. # this is how we generate a new torv3 endpoint. if ! ssh "$FQDN" "[ -d $REMOTE_HOME/tor/www ]"; then ssh "$FQDN" "mkdir -p $REMOTE_HOME/tor" TOR_CONFIG_PATH="$(pwd)/tor/torrc-init" export TOR_CONFIG_PATH="$TOR_CONFIG_PATH" docker stack deploy -c ./tor.yml torstack sleep 20 docker stack rm torstack sleep 20 fi ONION_ADDRESS="$(ssh "$FQDN" sudo cat "${REMOTE_HOME}"/tor/www/hostname)" export ONION_ADDRESS="$ONION_ADDRESS" # # Since we run a separate ghost process, we create a new directory and symlink it to the original # if ! ssh "$FQDN" "[ -L $REMOTE_HOME/tor_ghost ]"; then # ssh "$FQDN" ln -s "$REMOTE_HOME/ghost_site/themes $REMOTE_HOME/tor_ghost/themes" # fi fi if [ "$RUN_SERVICES" = true ]; then docker stack deploy -c "$DOCKER_YAML_PATH" webstack # start a browser session; point it to port 80 to ensure HTTPS redirect. wait-for-it -t 320 "$DOMAIN_NAME:80" wait-for-it -t 320 "$DOMAIN_NAME:443" if [ "$DEPLOY_MATRIX" = true ]; then # If this is a new Matrix deployment, then we should add the default admin user. if [ $NEW_MATRIX_DEPLOYMENT = true ]; then # get the container ID for matrix/synapse. MATRIX_CONTAINER_ID="$(docker ps | grep matrixdotorg | awk '{print $1;}')" # create the user. docker exec -it "$MATRIX_CONTAINER_ID" register_new_matrix_user http://localhost:8008 -u "$ADMIN_ACCOUNT_USERNAME" -p "$MATRIX_ADMIN_PASSWORD" -a --config /data/homeserver.yaml fi fi # open bowser tabs. if [ "$DEPLOY_GHOST" = true ]; then xdg-open "http://$FQDN" fi if [ "$DEPLOY_NEXTCLOUD" = true ]; then xdg-open "http://$NEXTCLOUD_FQDN" fi if [ "$DEPLOY_GITEA" = true ]; then xdg-open "http://$GITEA_FQDN" fi fi