#!/bin/bash # this scripts ASSUMES services have already been taken down. # first let's ask the user for the absolute path to the backup file that we want to restore. FILE_PATH= read -r -p "Please enter the absolute path of the backup file you want to restore: ": FILE_PATH if [ -f "$FILE_PATH" ]; then # then we grab a backup of the existing stuff BEFORE the restoration attempt ./btcpayserver/backup.sh "before-restore-$UNIX_BACKUP_TIMESTAMP" echo "INFO: Restoring BTCPAY Server: $FILE_PATH" ssh "$FQDN" mkdir -p "$REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH" scp "$FILE_PATH" "$FQDN:$REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH/btcpay.tar.gz" ssh "$FQDN" "cd /; sudo tar -xzvf $REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH/btcpay.tar.gz" else echo "ERROR: File does not exist." exit 1 fi