#!/bin/bash set -eux # The base VM image. BASE_LXC_IMAGE="ubuntu/22.04/cloud" # let's create a profile for the BCM TYPE-1 VMs. This is per VM. if ! lxc profile list --format csv | grep -q "$LXD_VM_NAME"; then lxc profile create "$LXD_VM_NAME" fi # generate the custom cloud-init file. Cloud init installs and configures sshd SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY=$(<"$SSH_HOME/id_rsa.pub") eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" ssh-add "$SSH_HOME/id_rsa" export SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY="$SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEY" envsubst < ./lxc_profile.yml > "$SITE_PATH/cloud-init-$APP_TO_DEPLOY.yml" # configure the profile with our generated cloud-init.yml file. cat "$SITE_PATH/cloud-init-$APP_TO_DEPLOY.yml" | lxc profile edit "$LXD_VM_NAME" function wait_for_lxc_ip { LXC_INSTANCE_NAME="$1" IP_V4_ADDRESS= while true; do IP_V4_ADDRESS="$(lxc list "$LXC_INSTANCE_NAME" --format csv --columns=4 | grep enp5s0 | grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}')" || true export IP_V4_ADDRESS="$IP_V4_ADDRESS" if [ -n "$IP_V4_ADDRESS" ]; then # give the machine extra time to spin up. wait-for-it -t 300 "$IP_V4_ADDRESS:22" break else sleep 1 printf '.' fi done } function run_ddns { # now that the VM has an IP, we can update the DNS record. TODO add additional DNS providers here; namecheap only atm. DDNS_STRING="$VPS_HOSTNAME" if [ "$VPS_HOSTNAME" = www ]; then # next update our DDNS record. TODO enable local/remote name provider. DDNS_STRING="@" fi # if the DNS record is incorrect, we run DDNS to get it corrected yo. if "$(getent hosts "$FQDN" | awk '{ print $1 }')" != "$IP_V4_ADDRESS"; then curl "https://dynamicdns.park-your-domain.com/update?host=$DDNS_STRING&domain=$DOMAIN_NAME&password=$DDNS_PASSWORD&ip=$IP_V4_ADDRESS" DDNS_SLEEP_SECONDS=60 while true; do # we test the www CNAME here so we can be assured the underlying has corrected. if [[ "$(getent hosts "$FQDN" | awk '{ print $1 }')" == "$IP_V4_ADDRESS" ]]; then echo "" echo "SUCCESS: The DNS appears to be configured correctly." echo "INFO: Waiting $DDNS_SLEEP_SECONDS seconds to allow stale DNS records to expire." sleep "$DDNS_SLEEP_SECONDS"; break; fi printf "." && sleep 2; done fi } # create the default storage pool if necessary if ! lxc storage list --format csv | grep -q default; then if [ -n "$LXD_DISK_TO_USE" ]; then lxc storage create default zfs source="$LXD_DISK_TO_USE" size="${ROOT_DISK_SIZE_GB}GB" else lxc storage create default zfs size="${ROOT_DISK_SIZE_GB}GB" fi fi # If our template doesn't exist, we create one. if ! lxc image list --format csv "$VM_NAME" | grep -q "$VM_NAME"; then # If the lxc VM does exist, then we will delete it (so we can start fresh) if lxc list -q --format csv | grep -q "$VM_NAME"; then lxc delete "$VM_NAME" --force # remove the ssh known endpoint else we get warnings. ssh-keygen -f "$SSH_HOME/known_hosts" -R "$VM_NAME" fi # let's download our base image. if ! lxc image list --format csv --columns l | grep -q "ubuntu-base"; then # if the image doesn't exist, download it from Ubuntu's image server # TODO see if we can fetch this file from a more censorship-resistant source, e.g., ipfs # we don't really need to cache this locally since it gets continually updated upstream. lxc image copy "images:$BASE_LXC_IMAGE" "$DEV_LXD_REMOTE": --alias "ubuntu-base" --public --vm fi lxc init \ --profile="$LXD_VM_NAME" \ "ubuntu-base" \ "$VM_NAME" --vm # let's PIN the HW address for now so we don't exhaust IP # and so we can set DNS internally. lxc config set "$VM_NAME" "volatile.enp5s0.hwaddr=$MAC_ADDRESS_TO_PROVISION" lxc start "$VM_NAME" # let's wait a minimum of 15 seconds before we start checking for an IP address. sleep 15 # let's wait for the LXC vm remote machine to get an IP address. wait_for_lxc_ip "$VM_NAME" # Let's remove any entry in our known_hosts, then add it back. # we are using IP address here so we don't have to rely on external DNS # configuration for the base image preparataion. ssh-keygen -R "$IP_V4_ADDRESS" ssh-keyscan -H -t ecdsa "$IP_V4_ADDRESS" >> "$SSH_HOME/known_hosts" ssh "ubuntu@$IP_V4_ADDRESS" sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu "$REMOTE_HOME" # stop the VM and get a snapshot. lxc stop "$VM_NAME" lxc publish "$DEV_LXD_REMOTE:$VM_NAME" --alias "$VM_NAME" --public lxc delete "$VM_NAME" fi # now let's create a new VM to work with. lxc init --profile="$LXD_VM_NAME" "$VM_NAME" "$LXD_VM_NAME" --vm # let's PIN the HW address for now so we don't exhaust IP # and so we can set DNS internally. lxc config set "$LXD_VM_NAME" "volatile.enp5s0.hwaddr=$MAC_ADDRESS_TO_PROVISION" lxc config device override "$LXD_VM_NAME" root size="${ROOT_DISK_SIZE_GB}GB" lxc start "$LXD_VM_NAME" wait_for_lxc_ip "$LXD_VM_NAME" run_ddns # remove any existing SSH identities for the host, then add it back. ssh-keygen -R "$IP_V4_ADDRESS"