#!/bin/bash set -exu cd "$(dirname "$0")" check_dependencies () { for cmd in "$@"; do if ! command -v "$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "This script requires \"${cmd}\" to be installed. Please run 'sudo ~/sovereign-stack/install.sh'" exit 1 fi done } # Check system's dependencies check_dependencies wait-for-it dig rsync sshfs lxc docker-machine # TODO remove dependency on Docker-machine. That's what we use to provision VM on 3rd party vendors. Looking for LXD endpoint. MIGRATE_VPS=false DOMAIN_NAME= VPS_HOSTING_TARGET= RUN_CERT_RENEWAL=true USER_NO_BACKUP=false USER_RUN_RESTORE=false BTC_CHAIN=testnet UPDATE_BTCPAY=false RECONFIGURE_BTCPAY_SERVER=false BTCPAY_ADDITIONAL_HOSTNAMES= LXD_DISK_TO_USE= DEPLOY_BTCPAY_SERVER=false REDEPLOY_STACK=false MACVLAN_INTERFACE= for i in "$@"; do case $i in --domain=*) DOMAIN_NAME="${i#*=}" shift ;; --hosting-provider=*) VPS_HOSTING_TARGET="${i#*=}" shift ;; --restore) USER_RUN_RESTORE=true shift ;; --update-btcpay) UPDATE_BTCPAY=true shift ;; --no-backup) USER_NO_BACKUP=true shift ;; --migrate) MIGRATE_VPS=true shift ;; --storage-backend=*) LXD_DISK_TO_USE="${i#*=}" shift ;; --no-cert-renew) RUN_CERT_RENEWAL=false shift ;; --mainnet) BTC_CHAIN=mainnet shift ;; --reconfigure-btcpay) RECONFIGURE_BTCPAY_SERVER=true shift ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac done # check for the env file. Source it if there. if [ -f "$(pwd)/env" ]; then source "$(pwd)/env"; else echo "ERROR: '$(pwd)/env' does not exist. Please go run install.sh again." exit 1 fi # ensure the VPS_HOSTING_TARGET if [ -z "$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" ]; then echo "ERROR: You MUST specicy --hosting-provider=[lxd|aws]" exit 1 fi export DOMAIN_NAME="$DOMAIN_NAME" export VPS_HOSTING_TARGET="$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" export LXD_DISK_TO_USE="$LXD_DISK_TO_USE" export RUN_CERT_RENEWAL="$RUN_CERT_RENEWAL" export BTC_CHAIN="$BTC_CHAIN" export UPDATE_BTCPAY="$UPDATE_BTCPAY" export MIGRATE_VPS="$MIGRATE_VPS" export RECONFIGURE_BTCPAY_SERVER="$RECONFIGURE_BTCPAY_SERVER" export MACVLAN_INTERFACE="$MACVLAN_INTERFACE" # # first of all, if there are uncommited changes, we quit. You better stash your work yo! # if git update-index --refresh| grep -q "needs update"; then # echo "ERROR: You have uncommited changes! Better stash your work with 'git stash'." # exit 1 # fi # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "$(pwd)/deployment/defaults.sh" # iterate over all our server endpoints and provision them if needed. # www VPS_HOSTNAME= for APP_TO_DEPLOY in btcpay www umbrel; do FQDN= export APP_TO_DEPLOY="$APP_TO_DEPLOY" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "$(pwd)/deployment/shared.sh" # skip this iteration if the site_definition says not to deploy btcpay server. if [ "$APP_TO_DEPLOY" = btcpay ]; then VPS_HOSTNAME="$BTCPAY_HOSTNAME" MAC_ADDRESS_TO_PROVISION="$BTCPAY_MAC_ADDRESS" if [ "$DEPLOY_BTCPAY_SERVER" = false ]; then continue fi fi # skip if the server config is set to not deploy. if [ "$APP_TO_DEPLOY" = www ]; then VPS_HOSTNAME="$WWW_HOSTNAME" MAC_ADDRESS_TO_PROVISION="$WWW_MAC_ADDRESS" if [ "$DEPLOY_WWW_SERVER" = false ]; then continue fi fi # skip umbrel if if [ "$APP_TO_DEPLOY" = umbrel ]; then VPS_HOSTNAME="$UMBREL_HOSTNAME" MAC_ADDRESS_TO_PROVISION="$UMBREL_MAC_ADDRESS" if [ "$DEPLOY_UMBREL_VPS" = false ]; then continue fi fi export MAC_ADDRESS_TO_PROVISION="$MAC_ADDRESS_TO_PROVISION" export VPS_HOSTNAME="$VPS_HOSTNAME" export FQDN="$VPS_HOSTNAME.$DOMAIN_NAME" # generate the docker yaml and nginx configs. bash -c "$(pwd)/deployment/stub_docker_yml.sh" bash -c "$(pwd)/deployment/stub_nginxconf.sh" MACHINE_EXISTS=false if [ "$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" = aws ] && docker-machine ls -q | grep -q "$FQDN"; then MACHINE_EXISTS=true fi if [ "$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" = lxd ] && lxc list --format csv | grep -q "$FQDN"; then MACHINE_EXISTS=true fi if [ "$USER_NO_BACKUP" = true ]; then RUN_BACKUP=true fi if [ "$MACHINE_EXISTS" = true ]; then # we delete the machine if the user has directed us to if [ "$MIGRATE_VPS" = true ]; then # run the domain_init based on user input. if [ "$USER_NO_BACKUP" = true ]; then echo "Machine exists. We don't need to back it up because the user has directed --no-backup." else echo "Machine exists. Since we're going to delete it, let's grab a backup. We don't need to restore services since we're deleting it." RUN_RESTORE=false RUN_BACKUP=true RUN_SERVICES=false "$(pwd)/deployment/domain_init.sh" fi # delete the remote VPS. if [ "$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" = aws ]; then if [ "$APP_TO_DEPLOY" != btcpay ]; then # docker-machine rm -f "$FQDN" echo "ERROR: NOT IMPLEMENTED" fi elif [ "$VPS_HOSTING_TARGET" = lxd ]; then lxc delete --force "$LXD_VM_NAME" USER_RUN_RESTORE=true fi # Then we run the script again to re-instantiate a new VPS, restoring all user data # if restore directory doesn't exist, then we end up with a new site. echo "INFO: Recreating the remote VPS then restoring user data." RUN_RESTORE="$USER_RUN_RESTORE" RUN_BACKUP=false RUN_SERVICES=true "$(pwd)/deployment/domain_init.sh" else if [ "$USER_NO_BACKUP" = true ]; then RUN_BACKUP=false echo "INFO: Maintaining existing VPS. RUN_BACKUP=$RUN_BACKUP RUN_RESTORE=$USER_RUN_RESTORE" else RUN_BACKUP=true echo "INFO: Maintaining existing VPS. RUN_BACKUP=$RUN_BACKUP RUN_RESTORE=$USER_RUN_RESTORE" fi RUN_RESTORE="$USER_RUN_RESTORE" RUN_BACKUP="$RUN_BACKUP" RUN_SERVICES=true "$(pwd)/deployment/domain_init.sh" fi else if [ "$MIGRATE_VPS" = true ]; then echo "INFO: User has indicated to delete the machine, but it doesn't exist. Going to create it anyway." fi # The machine does not exist. Let's bring it into existence, restoring from latest backup. echo "Machine does not exist. RUN_RESTORE=$USER_RUN_RESTORE RUN_BACKUP=false" RUN_RESTORE="$USER_RUN_RESTORE" RUN_BACKUP=false RUN_SERVICES=true "$(pwd)/deployment/domain_init.sh" fi done