#!/bin/bash set -eux cd "$(dirname "$0")" FILE_COUNT="$(find "$LOCAL_BACKUP_PATH" -type f | wc -l)" if [ "$FILE_COUNT" = 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: there are no files in the local backup path '$LOCAL_BACKUP_PATH'." echo "We're going to continue with execution." exit 0 fi # if the user said -y at the cli, we can skip this. if [ "$USER_SAYS_YES" = false ]; then RESPONSE= read -r -p "Are you sure you want to restore the local path '$LOCAL_BACKUP_PATH' to the remote server at '$PRIMARY_WWW_FQDN' (y/n)": RESPONSE if [ "$RESPONSE" != "y" ]; then echo "STOPPING." exit 0 fi fi # delete the target backup path so we can push restoration files from the management machine. ssh "$PRIMARY_WWW_FQDN" sudo rm -rf "$REMOTE_SOURCE_BACKUP_PATH" # scp our local backup directory to the remote machine ssh "$PRIMARY_WWW_FQDN" sudo mkdir -p "$REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH" ssh "$PRIMARY_WWW_FQDN" sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu "$REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH" scp -r "$LOCAL_BACKUP_PATH" "$PRIMARY_WWW_FQDN:$REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH" # now we run duplicity to restore the archive. ssh "$PRIMARY_WWW_FQDN" sudo PASSPHRASE="$DUPLICITY_BACKUP_PASSPHRASE" duplicity --force restore "file://$REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH/$APP" "$REMOTE_SOURCE_BACKUP_PATH/" ssh "$PRIMARY_WWW_FQDN" sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu "$REMOTE_BACKUP_PATH"