#!/bin/bash set -ex cd "$(dirname "$0")" # this script takes down all resources in the cluster. This script is DESTRUCTIVE of data, so make sure it's backed up first. if lxc remote get-default | grep -q "local"; then echo "ERROR: you are on the local lxc remote. Nothing to destroy" exit 1 fi RESPONSE= read -r -p "Are you sure you want to continue? Responding 'y' here results in destruction of user data!": RESPONSE if [ "$RESPONSE" != "y" ]; then echo "STOPPING." exit 0 fi . ../defaults.sh . ./cluster_env.sh for VM in www btcpayserver; do LXD_NAME="$VM-${DOMAIN_NAME//./-}" if lxc list | grep -q "$LXD_NAME"; then lxc delete -f "$LXD_NAME" # remove the ssh known endpoint else we get warnings. ssh-keygen -f "$SSH_HOME/known_hosts" -R "$LXD_NAME" fi if lxc profile list | grep -q "$LXD_NAME"; then lxc profile delete "$LXD_NAME" fi done # delete the base image so it can be created. if lxc list | grep -q "$BASE_IMAGE_VM_NAME"; then lxc delete -f "$BASE_IMAGE_VM_NAME" # remove the ssh known endpoint else we get warnings. ssh-keygen -f "$SSH_HOME/known_hosts" -R "$LXD_NAME" fi