#!/bin/bash set -eu cd "$(dirname "$0")" # check if there are any uncommited changes. It's dangerous to # alter production systems when you have commits to make or changes to stash. if git update-index --refresh | grep -q "needs update"; then echo "ERROR: You have uncommited changes! You MUST commit or stash all changes to continue." exit 1 fi . ../defaults.sh . ./remote_env.sh for PROJECT_CHAIN in ${DEPLOYMENT_STRING//,/ }; do NO_PARENS="${PROJECT_CHAIN:1:${#PROJECT_CHAIN}-2}" PROJECT_PREFIX=$(echo "$NO_PARENS" | cut -d'|' -f1) BITCOIN_CHAIN=$(echo "$NO_PARENS" | cut -d'|' -f2) export PROJECT_PREFIX="$PROJECT_PREFIX" export BITCOIN_CHAIN="$BITCOIN_CHAIN" . ./project_env.sh # Check to see if any of the VMs actually don't exist. # (we only migrate instantiated vms) for VM in www btcpayserver; do LXD_NAME="$VM-${DOMAIN_NAME//./-}" # if the VM doesn't exist, the we emit an error message and hard quit. if ! lxc list --format csv | grep -q "$LXD_NAME"; then echo "ERROR: there is no VM named '$LXD_NAME'. You probably need to run ss-deploy again." exit 1 fi done BTCPAY_RESTORE_ARCHIVE_PATH="$SITES_PATH/$PRIMARY_DOMAIN/backups/btcpayserver/$(date +%s).tar.gz" echo "INFO: The BTCPAY_RESTORE_ARCHIVE_PATH for this migration will be: $BTCPAY_RESTORE_ARCHIVE_PATH" # first we run ss-deploy --stop # this grabs a backup of all data (backups are on by default) and saves them to the management machine # the --stop flag ensures that services do NOT come back online. # by default, we grab a backup. # first, let's grab the GIT commit from the remote machine. export DOMAIN_NAME="$PRIMARY_DOMAIN" export SITE_PATH="$SITES_PATH/$PRIMARY_DOMAIN" # source the site path so we know what features it has. source ../defaults.sh source "$SITE_PATH/site.conf" source ./project/domain_env.sh # now we want to switch the git HEAD of the project subdirectory to the # version of code that was last used GIT_COMMIT_ON_REMOTE_HOST="$(ssh ubuntu@$BTCPAY_FQDN cat /home/ubuntu/.ss-githead)" cd project/ git checkout "$GIT_COMMIT_ON_REMOTE_HOST" cd - sleep 5 # run deploy which backups up everything, but doesnt restart any services. bash -c "./project/deploy.sh --stop --no-cert-renew --backup-archive-path=$BTCPAY_RESTORE_ARCHIVE_PATH" # call the destroy script. If user proceed, then user data is DESTROYED! ./destroy.sh cd project/ git checkout "$TARGET_PROJECT_GIT_COMMIT" cd - sleep 5 # Then we can run a restore operation and specify the backup archive at the CLI. bash -c "./project/deploy.sh -y --restore-www --restore-btcpay --backup-archive-path=$BTCPAY_RESTORE_ARCHIVE_PATH" done